Concert of the Symphony Orchestra of the Mykolaiyv State Higher Music School

March 20, 2018, in the Regional Palace of Culture a concert of the  Symphony Orchestra of the Mykolaiyv State Higher Music School took place. The works of H.V. Gluck (Overture to the “Alcesta” opera), J. Bizet – F. Born (Concert Fantasy for Flute and Orchestra), S.V. Rachmaninov (The Old Man’s Story from the Opera “Aleko”), P.I. Tchaikovsky (Aria Lisa from the third part of the opera “The Queen of Spades”), J. Verdi (Aria Fiesco from the prologue of the opera “Simon Baccanegro”, Aria Aida from the first opera “Aida”) and MP Mussorgsky (“Pictures from the exhibition”). Performers: the winner of the prize to them. M. Arkas, winner of the All-Ukrainian and International competitions Ol’ga Didusenko-Paliy (soprano) and laureates of All-Ukrainian and International competitions Zakharius Paliy (bass) and Andriy Zembovych (flute). Conductor Honored Worker of Culture of Ukraine Mykola Mykolaychuk. The conductor is musicologist Alyona Mamedova.

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